The South Downs Way Relay_

This annual race involves teams of six (plus one driver) racing the whole 100 miles of the South Downs Way, from Eastbourne to Winchester. It takes place on the first Saturday of June every year and is a test of trail running, endurance, navigation, and recovery since each runner takes on three separate legs over the course of the day. 

At present there are four categories within the race: A, Mixed (3 men and 3 women), Women, and Veterans (men over 40 and/or women over 35). 

The club invites members to express an interest in running in January and selects teams and categories by the end of March so that runners can start learning their routes. 

You can find out more on the event website

Those selected for a Phoenix team will also have access to an internal club SDWR website where there are tips, photos, and information on the hotly-contested club records for each leg and category.

Here are some of our race reports about the relay from past years:

South Downs Way Relay

South Downs Way Relay

South Downs Way Relay